Images that are elements of the beginning of a new collage. These pictures give some sense of scale . The blurred color shot gives me a feel for the composition. The panel is 7 feet by 8 feet.
Billboard paper printed with a screen dot pattern aka CMYK process is not done anymore, the last known batch in Phoenix was printed in 2005. It has been replaced with huge Epson Inkjet printers. Every Friday, I go to collect billboard paper mis-prints in the yard of the company that prints the majority of billboard paper not only for Phoenix, but for national distribution. I never thought I would see anymore of the screen dot pattern paper again...well you know where this is going. Motherload, baby! JACKPOT! Friday, they had two pallets loaded with this stuff. The raw materials that allow me to make my collages. I had been careful about how much I used before because I knew there would be no more, now I have twenty boxes with at least 60 sheets each that are 60" x 72" which is 36,000 square feet of possible collage imagery. Holy crap! Here are some images, check out the insane dot patterns.
The show ran from January 16th thru February 27th,2009. Gebert Gallery Venice is a new contemorary space on Abbot Kinney Blvd. The images below give some sense of what a great space it is to show art work. Sandro Gebert Gallery director along with Shawna, and David did an amazing job hanging and lighting the show. They also were great hosts for the opening weekend. Thanks
“Swish Pan,” a new video art installation by Locked Horns’ Paul DeNigris and artist Mark Vinci.The video installation was the focal point of the entrance to SMoCA’s Flip a Strip exhibition which ran from October 4, 2008 through January 18, 2009.
Flip a Strip was a design competition held by SMoCA to “look at options for making strip malls economically viable, aesthetically interesting and communally meaningful.” Designers and architects submitted sometimes radical re-design plans for one of three strip malls in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Tempe, and the exhibition at SMoCA will be showcasing the best of the submitted designs.
DeNigris and Vinci were commissioned to create a video that captured the essence of the competition - the repetitive and banal nature of the strip mall as something we rush past every day yet hardly pay any attention to. The challenge was also to create a video that evoked some of the same visual themes seen in Vinci’s art work.
DeNigris and Vinci shared directing duties; Keegan Ead once again provided timelapse images for the video; DeNigris and Julie Hoefflin were the camera operators.
Avenues of Scraping Steel is shown at the July Group show at Gebert Scottsdale. It is the largest collage piece (72"x 120") in the new body of work using billboard paper.
Three video pieces featuring the work of DeBartolo Architects, Produced in January 2008. The pieces are the first collaboration between Paul DeNigris of Locked Horns Productions and Mark Vinci. Working with us was Keegan Ead producing the timelapse images. The three videos were part of an installation at ASU College of Design. It was great to work with the DeBartolos and to capture a day in the life of these wonderful buildings.
I am a visual artist. My work is dynamic visual abstraction about urban movement...transient visual moments captured at high speed, snippets and fragments framed and defined by the cityscape, quickly forgotten, yet leaving a residual imprint that is and unconscious distillation of our collective experience. Collage, sculpture, video, and photography are the mediums I use to make my work. Visit my website.